
About me........

My name is  linson kurian....i am lived in a small village kolenchery in ernakulam distrisct..i am studying ,CS 1 st year at sngce ,kadayiruppe...
i completed my higer secondary education from St Peter's H.S.S kolenchery....i am intrested in web designing and program develpment......
my family consist of father,mother,grand mother and 2 father,Mr P.P  Kuriachan is working as V.E.O at Vadaucode Block...My mother,Mrs Salomy Kuriachan is a house elder brother,Elson Kurian is studying B.E IT at MVSIT ,manglore and my younger brother Dinson Kurian 
is studying 8 th std at St Peter's H.S.S kolenchery.....

     4 mE..

lIFe is SErioUs nd I StrONgly beleIve iN liviN in Da PresEnt....RelaTionS r dA most ImpoRtanT all TimE assEts 4 me..ND i cHERish 'eM more THan ANYthin ElsE 'coS i beleIVE thT dey plAy da cruciAl rolE in DA maKin of a HumaN bein In me...MA "pArentS nd MA love" R da Most impOrtaNt treAsures of mA life...Da treAsures i wud NOt leAve 4 Anythin Else...
BEleiVe in UrseLf Nd leaVe dA resT 2 GOd....he'l take Care of it...nd LIve eAch mOment ...juS go AheAd nD eNjoooooYYYY liFe,,..